Nancy Lincoln and Timothy S. Klugh
Trilogy (Production Edition)
Copyright © 2005, 2010 Nancy Reiber Lincoln
 and Timothy S. Klugh.
All Rights Reserved.


He Rose! (Trilogy, 6th Mvt)


He Rose!
(Trilogy, 6th Mvt)
[Production Edition]

Music and Lyrics by Timothy S. Klugh.
Copyright © 2005, 2010 Nancy Reiber Lincoln
   and Timothy S. Klugh.
All Rights Reserved.

"They moved the stone! He is not there!" Mary Magdalene cried,
"And we know not where he's been taken!"
Mary, the mother of James, wept too
As they told the others what they knew.

When John and Peter saw your clothes...
The soldiers took you in the night, they supposed.
And all they could see where you lay was a cold, empty tomb!

But, I who loved and knew you best
Now found my heart at joyful rest.
For, I knew why you were not there...
You rose. Because you rose.
I found my heart at joyful rest because you rose.

And then it was we saw you there...
Your presence turned each head...
"Peace be unto you. I live.
All happened as I said."

Your opened hands revealed the wounds
Where each nail bore our sin.
In your side, we saw the scar
Where the soldier's spear had been.

Thomas claimed, "This cannot be!"
I watched you gently nod.
Then he touched your body's wounds
And cried, "My Lord! My God!
My Lord! My God!"

When I knelt before your feet,
You smiled and had me rise.
"Mother, you have loved your son.
You are precious in my eyes."

No earth was strong enough to hold
The son whom Gabriel foretold
Would sit beside our God!

You are alive, my Lord! All men are saved through thee!
God gave the world a Savior,... and He gave a son to me.